Vale + Vine | Best of Rings


With the holiday season officially underway, (and if my Facebook feed is any indication of the following) Proposal Season is officially here.  To celebrate this festive time of year, Vale + Vine is bringing together some of most gorgeous rings and  images of rings featured on the blog this past year.  

Speaking of this past year, Vale + Vine also has something else to celebrate -- its first anniversary!  It's hard to believe that just over a year ago Vale + Vine launched its debut post.  Since then I've had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with many of Canada's top wedding vendors who are bringing the fine art wedding aesthetic to Canadian brides.  I've also been able to connect with a number of American and international photographers and vendors whose work has been featured here on Vale +Vine, and I look forward to facilitating more ties and collaborations between Canadian and international industry leaders in the coming year.  Since its inception, Vale + Vine has been quite a labour of love for me, and I am truly thankful for all of the incredible talent, warmth, and generosity I've experienced through the process of developing this beloved publication.  Thanks to all who have helped Vale + Vine to flourish and Cheers to all the new brides-to-be who've just said "YES!"