Posts tagged North Carolina
Spring Floral Inspiration

This week I felt a burst of florals was in order, and what better way to do that than with the intricate stylings of the attendees from the 2014 Team Flower Workshop photographed by Heather Payne Photography.  Whether you're setting your dinner table with a custom arrangement, stopping by your local florist for an armful of fresh-cut flowers to arrange on your own (peonies are everywhere these days!), or are foraging for something wild and wonderful to decorate with (as long as it's legal!), these gorgeous creations are sure to inspire....

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Heirloom Bridal Preparations

A few months ago Vale + Vine published a gorgeous shoot set in the North Carolina mountains featuring highlights from the 2014 Team Flower Workshop.  Sometimes not all of the images submitted for publication make it to the final layout however,  so today I wanted to give you a glimpse of some of the interior bridal prep images as well as more shots of the paper goods...  

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North Carolina Private Estate Inspiration

This styled shoot photographed by fellow Canadian Marcie Meredith (now a resident of North Carolina) has all the sophistication of a private estate blended with the charm of the refined countryside.  The look?  A perfect picture of contrasting characteristics brought together in a seamless fashion; light and dark, ephemeral and enduring, feminine and masculine qualities are all represented with elegance throughout the architecture, decor, landscape, attire, and details. Such a harmonious combination is an ideal representation of marriage and the union of two people who are more beautiful because their contrasts, though still visible, have blended to make a more exquisite whole.

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Bride's Anticipation in the Mountains of North Carolina

This collaborative feature photographed by Heather Payne for the Team Flower Workshop, embodies the very essence I long to see more of in wedding inspiration - a reliance on natural elements and elegant materials as well as strong design, styling and photographic skills.  The Team Flower Workshop which took place in the Grandfather Mountains of North Carolina, saw a host of floral designers working together on this shoot, including Canada's own Lauren Wiebe of Stonehouse Creative based in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Lauren and a team of florists collaborated to put together a rich, dramatic feature, conceptualized by Kelly Perry of Philosophy Flowers, the host of the Team Flower Workshop.  I wanted to include both her description of the concept for this shoot as well as Lauren's personal thoughts on designing a vision for one's wedding day.  Below are words from both Kelly and Lauren...

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